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Netherfield Primary School

Netherfield Primary School

Our Classes

Take a look at what is happening across Netherfield Primary School.

EYFS Nursery 

Nursery Groups:

Butterflies - Mrs Spooner

Ladybirds - Mrs Brightmore

Bumblebees - Mrs Hodkin

Hoverflies -Mrs Hodkin

Caterpillars - Miss Leivers, Miss Sharpe and Mrs Cooper

We have six different themes throughout the year, and these are related to the class books we explore together.

Every 2 weeks we focus on a new book which will be introduced to the children on a Monday morning, wrapped as a present along with a question which we will be reflecting on throughout the week.

Our Learning Labs are where we learn to investigate, solve and explain, through an amazing array of resources and this occurs inside and outside. We spend the majority of our time in the labs, as we enable the children to explore and develop.

In Nursery, the children take part in a 10 minute daily maths and phonics session. On Fridays, we visit the school library and choose a book to take home and share with our family.

Each week the children have a pe session in the Hall with Mr Humphreys, our Pe teacher.

We link with our parents/carers through Dojo, and message families each Friday to share who is the Star of the Week, and share what we will be exploring the following week.

Read what Nursery is doing this term by downloading their newsletter below.

EYFS Reception 

Fireflies teacher is Miss De Luce Coulthard

Dragonflies teacher is Mrs Buckland

In Fireflies and Dragonflies this year we will be having so much fun exploring, learning and playing together. 

We really enjoy getting to know the children and seeing them develop new friendships, that will move with them throughout their school years. 

We work hard to establish routines and nurture independence. We are so proud of all our children and how they show such enthusiasm and perseverance with their learning. 

In Reception we are so lucky that we are able to take our learning both inside and outside and allow our imaginations to lead our discoveries! 

Our ‘Inside Out’ topic enables us to explore how unique and special we all are through the use of a range of books and stories including ‘The Colour Monster’, ‘Only One Me’, ‘Super Duper You’ and ‘Amazing’. This learning helps us to understand ourselves and our classmates and work together as part of a team. 

It is great to learn so much about the children during ‘Talk Time’ and hear all about their families, friends, hobbies, likes and dislikes. We are also really proud of how the children learn to listen to each other carefully and share their ideas and opinions. 

We enjoy lots of fabulous Phonics opportunities and become amazing sound detectives, listening carefully to individual sounds around us and beginning to combine these together. We get off to a flying start with reading and have enjoy sharing our whole class reading texts and class stories in school and ‘Reading for Pleasure’ books to share at home with our families. We even start to take home our own independent reading books to practise our ‘Book Behaviours’ at home too. 

Our Maths learning shows us how we can be ‘Maths Magicians’ and use our super knowledge of numbers and shapes to find patterns and solve problems. The children are real superstars, showing us how they can use these skills in different parts of their learning, discovery and play throughout the day. 

Our creative minds are challenged to create a range of beautiful models, artwork and products following instructions carefully and we also use our own imaginations to make our own clever creations. 

Everyday is full of new discovery, questions and challenges. 

Fireflies and Dragonflies amaze us every minute of every day! 

We are also really looking forward to exploring our other themes: 

*Let’s Celebrate 

* Into the Woods 

*Natures Wonders 

*Out of this World 

* From Sea to Sky  

Read what Reception are doing this term by downloading their newsletter below.

Year 1 

Class 1 teacher is Miss Sentence

Class 2 teacher is Miss Mulligan and Mrs Rodgers

In Year 1 we love to have fun whilst we are learning. We have a big focus on developing our children as readers, writers and curious learners - we love to find things out! Our curriculum is designed to engage children and let them explore and learn new things. Our topics are:

Autumn 1 - Wonderful Us

Autumn 2 - The Box of Forgotten Toys

Spring 1 - Paws, Claws and Whiskers

Spring 2 – Under the Sea

Summer 1 - The Scented Garden

Summer 2 – The Enchanted Woodlands

We work very hard to inspire children to love books and quality texts are threaded through our whole curriculum (our children quickly become bookworms if they aren't already!) In our whole class reading sessions we explore a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. We want our children to become familiar with a wide range of authors and texts. 

Phonics is an important part of Year 1 so our children are enabled to continue on their journey of being readers and writers. Dough Disco and other fine motor skills activities are done daily to encourage strong fingers! Our maths is very practical - we do lots of counting, sorting, problem solving and work within numbers to 100. 

In the afternoons our learning is focused on curriculum areas such as science, PSHE, history, art, geography and music to name a few. Afternoons are also a time to explore learning through activities such as role play, small world play, building, creating and being innovative.

We are also very lucky to have Ted the Reading Dog visit Class 2 for 2 mornings a week. He loves to see children reading and do any sort of learning. 

Read what Year 1 are doing this term by downloading their newsletter below.

Year 2 

Class 3 teachers are Mrs Crawford and Mrs Rodgers

Class 4 teacher is Mrs Hicken

In Year 2 we aim to captivate children and empower them with enthusiasm and resilience to learn through fact, fiction and fantasy and by harnessing the power of their own creativity through art, music and design. We build their interest in the awe and wonder of our natural and built environments and habitats and our personal, local and collective histories by exploring the real world.

Autumn 1 - There's No Place Like Home       (Where do we live? Local studies of geography and homes)

Autumn 2- Bright Lights, Big City        (Lets meet the heroes who battled the Great Fire                                                                    of London and Robin Hood our local hero)

Spring 1- Polar Opposites        (The North and South Poles and their inhabitants)

Spring 2- Amazing Africa          (Inhabitants and explorations of the huge continent)

Summer 1- It's a Bug's Life       (All curious things that are creepy and crawly)

Summer 2- Land Ahoy               (Climb aboard! You've guessed it me' hearties it's pirate                                                         time!)

Reading plays a huge part in all that we do at Netherfield and in Year 2 we have a fantastic range of texts to engage and thrill. As our children wind up their infant years, we work hard to ensure that they adjust and mature into reading for pleasure and for knowledge to prepare them for their junior years. 

Read what Year 2 are doing this term by downloading the newsletter below.

Year 3 

Class 5 teacher is Miss Morgan

Class 6 teachers are Mrs Buckland and Miss Ash

Welcome to Year 3!

Year 3 is an exciting year! It is a time when the children are able to consolidate what they have learnt in KS1 and begin their learning journey into KS2. We encourage the children to be confident and independent learners.

We want children to have a love of reading and be curious about the world they live in. In Year 3 we like to create an enriched curriculum which immerses the children in their learning. Some of our topics this year are as follows:

Autumn Term – Stone Age to Iron Age

Spring Term – Ancient Egypt

Summer Term – Ancient Greeks

As previously mentioned we create an enriched curriculum. For example whilst studying the Stone Age in Autumn, not only did the children create cave paintings and clay pots, they also re-enacted being Stone Age people and went outside to learn about being hunter-gatherers. In English the children focused on the text the ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura and used this to inspire and write their own stories.

Read what Year 3 are doing this term by downloading their newsletter below.

Year 4

Class 7 teacher is Mrs Holdridge and Mrs Bedford

Class 8 teacher is Miss Leivesley

Welcome to Year 4!

In Year 4, we continue to have a huge focus on developing children as lifelong readers, who are exposed to a vast range of quality fiction, non-fiction and poetry texts which are weaved throughout our whole curriculum. We want our children to love learning and Year 4 is a great opportunity for them to build on the skills and independence that they have developed in previous years at our school whilst still having lots of fun!

Alongside the core subjects of English, maths and reading, we teach a broad range of engaging subjects that our classes love and which encourage children to be curious around the world around them, whether that’s building volcanoes, exploring and experimenting with electrical circuits or designing and making footwear suitable for a fashion-conscious Roman! We also want the children in our care to be happy and have a positive experience of school, where they learn lots whilst feeling safe and happy.

Some of the topics covered over the course of the academic year are:


  • The Roman Empire and its Impact on Britain
  • Volcanoes
  • Electricity


  • The Anglo-Saxons
  • Coastlines
  • Sound


  • The Vikings
  • Scandinavia
  • Living Things
  • Food Chains

If you have any further queries or questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you,

The Year 4 team

Read what Year 4 are doing this term by downloading their newsletter below.

Year 5 

Class 9 teacher is Mr Payne

Class 10 teacher is Miss Coutts

We love teaching in Year 5 because there are so many fantastic things to learn and do!

We love reading and the teachers in Year 5 are full of recommendations of books you should read. We know that reading is important and can help you become independent learners. Therefore, we dedicate time to practise independent reading and have Reading for Pleasure lessons where we spend time sharing, reading, and doing all sorts of great book-related activities! Although, to be honest, we spend most of our time talking about books anyway!

We don't have 'topics' in Key Stage Two but we link subjects where there are meaningful links. We teach a broad range of wider curriculum subjects including Art and Design, Design and Technology, French, Music, History and Geography but here are a few highlights from each term:

Autumn: Space, mountains and Ancient Islamic Civilisation

Spring: Royalty through time, rivers and changing materials!

Summer: The Peak District, Revolution in Nottingham and Architecture

We cover a wide range of areas so if you would like to know more about what we learn in Year 5, take a look at our curriculum pages for a further break down or at our newsletters below. 

If you have any questions or queries about Year 5, please ask one of the Year 5 teaching team who are always more than happy to help!

Many thanks,

The Year 5 Team

Read what Year 5 are doing this term by downloading their newsletter below.

Year 6 

Class 11 teacher is Miss Cook 

Class 12 teachers are Ms McElhone and Mrs Cooper

Welcome to Year 6! 

Year 6 is a really special time for our children as it is their last year with us before the end of their journey at Netherfield Primary School. It’s a great chance to see our children start to take more responsibility for themselves and for their own learning. They will have created many memories throughout their time with us and during this year we will carry on learning new things and creating new experiences for them. Towards the end of year 6, in the summer, we look to prepare our children to leave us and make a smooth, happy transition into secondary school. In addition to this, Year 6 is also an important year which reflects on their knowledge and skills gained throughout their time in primary school, as in May they sit their KS2 SATs.  

In our lessons, alongside reading, writing and maths, we also study lots of interesting topics that we know our children will enjoy learning more about. Read our Year 6 termly newsletter to get more of an insight into what we are learning about each term. Alongside our topic work, we also love to celebrate reading. We know that by reading every day, our children will have a broader vocabulary, a wilder imagination and grow up to love reading. Please encourage your child to read every day to an adult, or by themselves.  

Finally, if you have any questions or queries, please ask – we are more than happy to help. 

Thank you,  

The Year 6 Teaching Team

Read what Year 6 are doing this term by downloading their newsletter below.